So glad you're here: We're glad to be with you!
Our aim is to make your life and your relationships richer, more enjoyable with more peace and more rest.
Our aim is to make your life and your relationships richer, more enjoyable with more peace and more rest.
Conscious or not, everyone's strives after joy and peace. Any human endeavor boils down to these two motivations. Strictly speaking, peace is a for of joy.
Jesus talked about joy and peace a lot.
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I am glad to be with them, too. We talk. We learn more about each other. We disagree. I don't have to like everything about them. Actually, our differences are kind of interesting. We respect each other. I am not being taken advantage of. Our group grows as our message spreads. Now others are GladToBeWithMe, too.
... devoted to helping people live successful lives and enjoy positive relationships.
... you to live joyfully. The best we know how is through understanding the love, kindness and gentleness of Jesus. If you're not sure or you don't agree, definitely read on.
... need your money
... tell you what to do
... shame you into doing something
... pressure you to conform
... want you to confuse Jesus with any christians or church you may have had a bad experience with
The people who told you were badly misinformed. People and churches hurt people, Jesus never does. He cares about justice and the weak. He blasted hypocritical leaders. He partied with his friends and got them the best wine. He wants to spend time with you.
It does not take a theologian to read about him. It does take a text that is in plain understandable language. Some historical context helps. And don't initially get stuck on the metaphysical.
You got it! You are figuring out how to love yourself, your community and God. You are becoming more loving and lovable, have more peace, resilience and more confidence. And it only gets better.
Some people can't love. Or they can love animals but they hate people ...or anything spiritual. Or themselves. There is always a valid reason for that. I means something went very wrong sometime ago. Like a disease of the heart, you'll want to look for a cure so you can love a little more at a time. Indifference and hate kill. Love is life. (1 Cor 13, Mk 12)
You may have experienced people or religious groups that required agreeing to very strange convictions, suspend your sense of reality or regarding perfectly acceptable what was really odd behaviors. Some of it may well be genuine, right-intentioned and come from a pure heart. That's great for them. You are under no obligation to join in and are free to question or to keep looking.
Your style is your business. Quiet. Energetic. Solitude. Fellowship. A bit of everything. We're all beautifully different, but made in the same image, and that is to be respected, even loved. (Rom 14)
Most religious groups have explicit or implicit requirements to do something in order to be part of the whole. But unless you truly want to do that something, it's just dead religion, no matter how noble. The more you truly want to, the more freedom you achieve.
You'll change over time. You might agree with something next year that you find outlandish today. Be open to persuasion. Be suspicious of pressure.
We're doing all this for the present. And tomorrow. There'll be heaven, too. But the focus and the reward is now: Deep peace, inner and outer joy and steadfast love that make life and people easier today; and more enjoyable. A rain coat to weather the inevitable storms.
Understand that nothing can separate you from being loved by God. Not anything. Because you're you, and because God is God. Try to love other people, even the ones that are not that lovable (God does!) but not if you get hurt or turn into a doormat. Be open to advice: Others know things about you and life that might be useful.
Unless you do something out of love, there is no use of you sacrificing yourself by doing something you hate. That's been done for you already.
Jesus was God in human form. Real, historical people talked (and ate!) with him after he died. He exists in some form today, he is God after all, and he will be found by those who seek him. And why not? If God loves us, why wouldn't he want a relationship with us? Talk to us? Don't miss out on what he has to say to you. We refer to "Joyful Journey" by E. James Wilder PhD et al (ISBN 978-1-935629-17-7)
We have been around long enough to have had time to pray, think, live and suffer from family, friends, churches, christians, atheists, businesses and leaders. We found the biblical Jesus to be the person to follow and imitate, as much as able, and learn, re-learn, re-re-learn etc. In that process, we pare 'churchianity' to the essentials and let people make choices for themselves - like Jesus.
Different religious groups emphasize different aspects of an infinite God. We assume that any religious group is doing the best it knows how. However, any group will be flawed in some way. If your group is not working out for you, is that because of you or the group? We urge you to find a group that is welcoming, honest and giving. You might not want to join a group that is shaming, taking or legalistic. A group that reflects your growing understanding of Jesus is probably a good fit. A group that needs you to conform to itself probably is not.
We all long for joy and peace, but in a world of strife and negativity, how do we overcome? Everyone longs for peace and joy in their life and their community.
Forget everything you learned about Jesus for a moment.
He ate with people. He came to their parties (and brought the wine). He enjoyed their company. He wept. He has compassion. He waits for me to be ready. He loves. He is GladToBeWithMe.
We want to convince you that your life and relationships can be better, richer, more fulfilling.
We want to show you how. Free. No obligation whatsoever.
And when you get it and not before you're ready, you'll want to show others.
Life and relationships aren't so hard and get better when someone is GladToBeWithMe.
Forget everything you heard about Jesus for a moment.
He met and ate with people of all walks of life. He partied with them (and brought the wine). He slammed religious hypocrisy and greed. He wept. He healed. He came because he loves all people. He is GladToBeWithMe, too.
We don't need your money.
No sign-ups, No commitments.
And when you get it -and not before you're ready- you'll want to show others.
We have made it our mission to help people love, meaning, to appreciate, to respect, to feel deep affection, to rejoice and to suffer with others because one cares about the other.
If love was easy, everyone would be doing it. So what gives?
People usually cannot give what they don't know or haven't received first. Like flowers in the sun, people thrive when they receive love and appreciation. The less deserving of love they feel, the more reviving it is.